What are Signs of an Abusive Relationship?
Abusive relationships can take many forms but some of the most common
characteristics are:
Name calling at your expense or has humiliated you in private or in front of others
Told you what to wear or criticized how you dress
Insists you have sex even when you don’t want to or coerces you into performing sexual acts that you dislike
Either refuses to let you work or forces you to work
Refuses to let you leave the house
Constantly demands to know where you are or who you are with
Monitors phone calls, emails, text messages, social media accounts
Isolates you from your friends and family
Use of any physical violence against you, or physically harms others such as children or pets
Has threatened to kill you if you leave
Has threatened to kill themselves if you leave
Has blamed you for an abusive behavior
Has destroyed your possessions
Has stalked you
Oftentimes it is easy to minimize some of these behaviors as harmless and view them
as just a sign of insecurity, especially in the beginning of the relationship. The bottom
line is abuse is not about jealousy or love, but is about power and control and usually
continues to escalate over time.